We evaluated the species composition of soil seed banks from 9 farms (36 pa
stures total) located in the northeast United States. Our objective was to
quantify the soil seed bank composition of pastures managed for intensive g
razing and hay production. Seeds from pasture soils were allowed to germina
te in a greenhouse under natural light conditions. Seedlings were identifie
d as they germinated, and the experiment was concluded after 4 months, Germ
inable seed was dominated by annual (40%) and perennial (23%) forbs most of
which contributed little useful forage for cattle, Perennial grasses (11%)
, except for bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), were largely absent from the ger
minable seed bank, while legumes (19%) were more abundant. Seed bank specie
s composition showed little similarity (44%) to the existing vegetation. Ex
ceptions were bluegrass, white clover (Trifolium repens L.), and common dan
delion (Taraxacum officinale Weber ex Wiggers). These species were abundant
in both the germinable seed bank and existing vegetation on most pastures.
Overall, our study suggests that seed banks in these northeast pastures su
pport abundant white clover and bluegrass seed, both of which are important
forages for cattle. Soil seed banks, however, will not supply a diverse as
semblage of useful forages. If a manager seeks to establish diverse, mixed-
species pasture, then re-seeding pastures with desired mixes may be the bes
t option.