In this paper we present TDLEAF(lambda), a variation on the TD(lambda) algo
rithm that enables it to be used in conjunction with game-tree search. We p
resent some experiments in which our chess program "KnightCap" used TDLEAF(
lambda) to learn its evaluation function while playing on Internet chess se
rvers. The main success we report is that KnightCap improved from a 1650 ra
ting to a 2150 rating in just 308 games and 3 days of play. As a reference,
a rating of 1650 corresponds to about level B human play (on a scale from
E (1000) to A (1800)), while 2150 is human master level. We discuss some of
the reasons for this success, principle among them being the use of on-lin
e, rather than self-play. We also investigate whether TDLEAF(lambda) can yi
eld better results in the domain of backgammon, where TD(lambda) has previo
usly yielded striking success.