The moist chamber culture technique was used to examine patterns of biodive
rsity and distribution of myxomycetes in four different forest types in Cos
ta Rica, focusing on the substrates represented by the bark surface of livi
ng trees and leaf litter. Rarefaction as well as bootstrap analyses were ca
rried out to estimate the completeness of the survey in terms of the number
s of species of myxomycetes present. Both species diversity and myxomycete
abundance decreased with increasing elevation and resulting higher moisture
levels of the investigated forest types. The two seasonal dry forest types
accounted for 90% of the total myxomycete diversity. For bark-inhabiting m
yxomycetes, species richness was found to be negatively correlated with epi
phyte (i.e., mosses, liverworts, and lichens) coverage. For both litter and
bark, a higher substrate pH tended to be positively correlated with higher
species diversity. Among litter-inhabiting myxomycetes, the proportion of
species with rather robust phaneroplasmodia increased with increasing eleva
tion. All of these results indicate that the excess of moisture in continuo
usly moist tropical forests does not favor myxomycete growth and developmen
t. Species richness and frequency patterns for both substrate types were fo
und to be comparable with those calculated from a data set reported for a s
tudy area in the temperate zone, indicating that myxomycete biodiversity do
es not reach its highest levels in tropical forests.