The expanding Internet has become an increasingly valuable tool for world w
ide sharing of information. Health care professionals, patients, lay person
s, family members and others are afforded instant access to masses of infor
mation and almost unlimited resources on virtually any topic, as well as an
almost seamless vehicle for communication. This new medium offers tremendo
us implications for health care. However, the absence of a single clearingh
ouse, a single search procedure or guarantee of accuracy often make informa
tion access efforts challenging, confusing and frustrating. The present pap
er provides a brief introduction aimed at increasing appreciation of the In
ternet and enhancing its utility with regard to chronic pain and its manage
ment and offers rudimentary guidelines for efficient accessing of informati
on. Finally, it presents the results of a comprehensive search including ne
arly 200 useful Internet web links for professionals, patients, family memb
ers and other interested persons who assess, treat or cope with chronic pai
n. Identified resources include numerous organizations, medical, psychologi
cal assessment and practical treatment strategies, assessment and treatment
reviews, support groups, list serve groups for patients and professionals,
advocacy resources. news and assistive technology resources. Special empha
sis is given to useful resources to assist professionals treating persons w
ith chronic pain, as well as resources that can assist persons challenged b
y chronic pain.