Epipelagic juvenile bluenose, Hyperoglyphe antarctica (Carmichael 1818), ar
e recorded from New Zealand for the first time. Two specimens were collecte
d beneath flotsam near Nga Motu/Sugar Loaf Islands, west coast North Island
in September 1996, and at least 20 were found inside a piece of trawl net
drifting east of Cape Kidnappers, east coast North Island in September 1997
. Live specimens between 65 and 87.3 mm standard length were cryptically co
loured and were able to change their body colour from dark coppery-bronze t
o blue. Freshly dead specimens lacked the thick mucous coat found in juveni
les of other Hyperoglyphe species known to associate with jellyfish. We sug
gest that H. antarctica recruitment may be higher along the lower east coas
t North Island because of retention of flotsam-associated juveniles in the
East Cape and Wairarapa Eddies, and that juveniles spawned off south-east A
ustralia may reach New Zealand in the Tasman Current.