The theory of normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds (Fenichel theory) can
be used to define strict chaotic synchronization in terms of synchronizati
on manifolds, and treat many ideas found in the physics and engineering lit
erature analytically. In the first part of this work we introduce a modific
ation of Fenichel theory which applies to chaotic synchronization and discu
ss the Lyapunov-exponent-like quantities used to determine the transverse s
tability of synchronization manifolds. The second part deals with the diffe
rent methods for detecting synchrony: symmetry considerations, geometric si
ngular perturbation theory and, in the case of uniformly asymptotically sta
ble extensions, graph transforms. We also consider the case for which an ex
tension of a system is only locally uniformly asymptotically stable and sho
w that in such cases n : 1 synchrony occurs.