This study describes patient evaluations about treatment interventions and
the subjective value of specific treatment expectations. Method: A random s
ample of 425 out-patients and in-patients was assessed to evaluate importan
ce of treatment interventions and specific expectations of psychiatric trea
tment. Results: Preferences regarding treatment interventions varied among
diagnostic groups. Psychiatric patients ranked medication and supporting th
erapeutic conversations the highest. Sociodemographic characteristics, numb
ers of previous hospitalizations, quality of life and social abilities infl
uenced treatment expectations. A patient's perception of dissatisfying qual
ity of life and high social vulnerability increased the need for social ass
istance. Conclusion: Subjective treatment expectations of psychiatric patie
nts should be the start-out for every treatment-regime. Socially vulnerable
patients should be identified and specific treatment plans should be devel
oped at treatment-start.