It has been suggested that there is specialization of function within the l
ateral prefrontal cortex; it has been argued that the ventral and dorsal di
visions of the prefrontal cortex are concerned with the processing of form
and spatial information, respectively. The evidence for such a division of
function is reviewed. According to an alternative view, the dorsal prefront
al cortex is better thought of as playing a high-level role within the cont
ext of the motor system; this is consistent with the fact that it is this p
art of the prefrontal cortex that is connected with lateral and medial prem
otor areas, the parietal cortex, and the cerebellum and that it is this par
t of the prefrontal cortex that is concerned with action selection and atte
ntion to action. The ventral prefrontal cortex, on the other hand, has wide
spread connections with sensory cortices and may be essential for stimulus
selection and sensory attention; this may underlie its role in arbitrary or
conditional associations involving diverse stimuli.