Scaling of rime (age) in latent growth curve (LGC) models has important imp
lications for studies of development. When participants begin a study at di
fferent ages, sample means and covariance-based structural equation modelin
g (SEM) approaches produce biased estimates of the variance of the intercep
t and the covariance between the Intercept and Slope factors. However, indi
vidual data vector-based SEM approaches produce proper estimates of these p
arameters that are identical to those produced by multilevel modeling (MLM)
. Scaling of the time variable also raises issues regarding the interpretat
ion of within- and between-persons effects of time that parallel those asso
ciated with centering of predictor variables in MLM. A numerical example is
used to illustrate these issues, and an Mr script for fitting individual d
ata vector-based LGC models is provided.