We consider a service system where individual users share a common resource
, modeled as a processor-sharing queue. Arriving users observe the current
load in the system, and should decide whether to join it or not. The motiva
tion for this model is based, in part, on best-effort service classes in co
mputer communication networks. This decision problem is modeled as a noncoo
perative dynamic game between the users, where each user will enter the sys
tem only if its expected service time (given the system description and pol
icies of subsequent users) is not larger than its quality of service (QoS)
requirement. The present work generalizes previous results by Altman and Sh
imkin (1998), where all users were assumed identical in terms of their QoS
requirements and decision policies; here we allow heterogeneous requirement
s, hence different policies. The main result is the existence and uniquenes
s of the equilibrium point in this system, which specifies a unique thresho
ld policy for each user type. Computation of the equilibrium thresholds are
briefly discussed, as well as dynamic learning schemes which motivate the
Nash equilibrium solution for this system.