Objective: To assess the impact of caregiver personality characteristics on
the adaptation of children with juvenile rheumatic diseases (JRDs). Method
: This study examined the relationships between caregivers' personality cha
racteristics and adaptation among 59 children with JRDs. The NEO Five-Facto
r Inventory was administered to caregivers, and scores on each scale sen;ed
as predictor variables. Criterion variables included child emotional and b
ehavior problems, depression, self-esteem, and pain. Results: Pearson corre
lation coefficients and hierarchical regression analyses revealed that care
givers' personality scores were related to indexes of emotional functioning
, depression, self-esteem, and pain. Conclusion: Identification of specific
caregiver personality characteristics that enhance or detract from childre
n's adaptation may facilitate early identification of risk and protective f
actors and the development of interventions.