Background: Traditionally, medical schools demand their students a high ded
ication in time, responsibility and integrity. Aim: To assess the predictiv
e capacity of several specific variables, on the academic performance of me
dical students. Material and methods: All students who entered during 1984-
1995 period were studied. The academic performance was assessed using two i
ndices: an overall evaluation of successfulness as determined by the approv
al rate in different courses and grade-point average obtained during the fi
rst three years at the Medical School. The variables used to predict academ
ic performance were year of enrollment, high school grades, university admi
ssion test scores, biomedical and demographic characteristics. All these we
re measured at the time when the student was enrolled. Results: Eight hundr
ed and eight students were studies at the end of the third year. The most i
mportant predictive variables selected for both performance indices were: h
ighs school grades, admission biology test scores, place were high school s
tudies were done, and previous university studies. In addition verbal and m
athematics admission academic performance tests scores were selected for gr
ade-point average index. Although, the overall admission score and high sch
ool academic performance were significantly associated with the two outcome
s, they were not selected in the final models. Conclusions: The best predic
tors of an optimal academic performance in these medical students were high
school grades, admission biology test scores, residing in Metropolitan San
tiago and previous university studies.