Background: The reduction of socio-economic inequality in mortality is an i
mportant public health goal. Previous ecological studies aimed at studying
the relationship between mortality rate and socio-economic factors have pai
d little attention to mortality causes avoidable by primary or secondary pr
evention. Furthermore, these studies do not make the distinction between, o
n the one hand, the strength of the relationship mortality/socio-economic d
eprivation and, on the other hand the significance of the unequal distribut
ion of mortality. The present work is aimed at measuring the strength of th
is relationship and the concentration of mortality in relation to socio-eco
nomic deprivation for both overall mortality and mortality avoidable by pri
mary and secondary prevention.
Method: Standardised mortality ratios were computed at the community level
in Belgium (1985-93 period) for all causes and for 11 mortality causes avoi
dable by primary and secondary prevention. A deprivation index was elaborat
ed using a factorial principal component analysis on 11 socio-economic indi
cators. The mortality/deprivation relationship was assessed by way of a sta
ndardised regression coefficient (B) while socio-economic concentration of
mortality was estimated using the Concentration Illness Index (Cii) and the
P90/P10 ratio.
Results: A strong positive relationship was found between mortality and dep
rivation for under 65 years all-causes mortality (B = 0.71; CI [0.66; 0.76]
), mortality for cirrhosis of the liver (B = 0.56, CI [0.51; 0.62]), lung c
ancer (B = 0.49, CI [0.42; 0.56]), suicide (B = 0.35; CI [0.29; 0.42]) and
falls (B = 0.34; CI [0.28; 0,41]). However, the concentration of mortality
was more limited: 14% (CI [11%-17%]) of cirrhosis of the liver mortality, 7
% of fall (CI [5%-10%]) and suicide mortality (CI [4%-9%]), 6% (CI [5%-7%])
of lung cancer mortality is unequally distributed.
Conclusion: Socio-economic deprivation is positively associated with mortal
ity. This association is more pronounced for tobacco, alcohol and mental he
alth related mortality. However, the strength of the relationship between s
ocio-economic deprivation and mortality is not a good indicator of unequal