In this study, we use best wavelet packet bases and an artificial neural ne
twork (ANN) to inspect four kinds of fabric defects. Multiresolution repres
entation of an image using wavelet transform is a new and effective approac
h for analyzing image information content. In this study, we find the value
s and positions for the smallest-six entropy in a wavelet packet best tree
that acts as the feature parameters of the ANN for identifying fabric defec
ts. We explore three basic considerations of the classification rate of fab
ric defect inspection comprising wavelets with various maximum vanishing mo
ments, different numbers of resolution levels, and differently scaled fabri
c images. The results show that the total classification rate for a wavelet
function with a maximum vanishing moment of four and three resolution leve
ls can reach 100%, and differently scaled fabric images have no obvious eff
ect on the classification rate.