Since 1990, Canada's Great Lakes 2000 Cleanup Fund, which is administered b
y Environment Canada, has been supporting the development and implementatio
n of cleanup technologies to control municipal pollution sources, to clean
up contaminated sediments, and to rehabilitate fish and wildlife habitats.
These efforts are focused on Canada's 16 Great Lakes Areas of Concern (AOCs
) identified by the International Joint Commission for priority cleanup act
ion and restoration of beneficial uses. Remedial Action Plans (RAPs) develo
ped by federal/provincial teams and the public provide the strategy for res
toring the beneficial uses of the AOCs.
Impairments in beneficial uses in the AOCs have been, in part, caused by di
scharges from combined sewer overflows (CSOs), stormwater and sewage treatm
ent plants (STPs). To assist municipalities in addressing the problems pose
d by urban drainage (CSOs and stormwater), the Cleanup Fund's Urban Drainag
e Program has been supporting the development and demonstration of innovati
ve, cost-effective technologies and approaches. These projects include high
-rate treatment of CSOs, real-time control of CSOs, performance assessment
of stormwater treatment technologies, pollution prevention and control plan
s, and development of stormwater management planning tools for urban areas.
These projects are carried out in collaboration with the Ontario Ministry
of the Environment, municipalities, professional groups, universities and c
onservation authorities and other Environment Canada's facilities (National
Water Research Institute and Wastewater Technology Centre).
The Urban Drainage Program has been instrumental in advancing the state of
the art in CSO and stormwater management in Ontario. Projects supported und
er the program have quantified pollutant loadings from municipal wastewater
sources in several Ontario Areas of Concern, provided hard data on the per
formance of best management practices for stormwater treatment, identified
and evaluated new cost-effective technologies for CSO reduction and stormwa
ter treatment, and developed strategies and decision-making tools for storm
water management
The work done through the Urban Drainage Program is making it possible for
Great Lakes communities to achieve important environmental objectives at si
gnificantly lower cost, As a result, the communities should be able to achi
eve many of these objectives much earlier than they would have if their cho
ices had been limited to more conventional and capital-intensive solutions.
Although the program has focused on the needs of Areas of Concern in the G
reat Lakes basin, the lessons learned there can easily be applied to commun
ities in other parts of the country and around the world.