Obstetricians and gynecologists play an important role in preventive medici
ne. A great deal of obstetrics and gynecology is dependent on the principle
s of preventive medicine, such as understanding populations, risk profiling
, epidemiology, and statistics as they pertain to screening programs and pr
evention. Thus, it is reasonable that an ob-gyn clerkship be an integral pa
rt of a program to teach preventive medicine in a medical. school. This art
icle presents information about formats used to teach preventive medicine i
n ob-gyn, illustrated by specific programs at medical schools across the co
untry. It also provides information about publications that are useful for
designing and creating programs in introduce and/or integrate preventive me
dicine into ob-gyn clerkships and other parts of the undergraduate medicine
Obstetricians and gynecologists spend the majority of their time in the off
ice, and most of their patient visits can be classified as preventive medic
ine visits. Medical students' education needs to reflect that focus, Among
other things, ob-gyn must develop training directed to-ward students who do
not intend to become obstetricians. A rotation in ob-gyn may be the only e
xposure a student has to health care that is specifically for women. Theref
ore, that clerkship must focus on preventive medicine fbr women as well as
on treatment.