OBJECTIVE: To identify cytologic parameters on Pnp smears of women with an
atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) diagnosis that
could help cytologists to indicate whether a particular ASCUS case is most
likely related to cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) grade 1 or 2/3.
STUDY DESIGN: A total of 360 eligible women diagnosed with ASCUS and referr
ed to the colposcopy clinic of Saint-Sacrement Hospital participated in the
study. Eligible women were those aged 18-50 years, newly diagnosed with AS
CUS, with no history of cervical biopsies or treatment, and not pregnant at
the time qi the visit. Colposcopically directed biopsies of lesions were o
btained. All Pay smears were reviewed according to 36 different cytomorphol
ogic criteria. The regression logistic model was used to estimate the odds
ratios (ORs) for the associations between cytologic criteria observed in sm
ears and the diagnosis of CIN made on biopsies. All cytologic criteria sign
ificantly (P < .05) associated with CIN were entered in the models, and a b
ackward selection was none to determine independent cytologic predictors of
CIN 1 and 2/3.
RESULTS: Biopsies revealed that 22.2% of the study population had concurren
t GIN. CIN 1 and 2/3 were identified in 61 (16.9%) and 19 women (5.3%), res
pectively. Clear perinuclear spaces (OR = 2.5, P = .002) and moderate nucle
ar atypia (OR = 4.4, P = .02) were two cytologic criteria independently ass
ociated with CIN 1. Four independent predictors of CIN 2/3 were identified:
the presence of clear perinuclear spaces (OR = 5.9, P = .004), hyperchroma
sia (OR = 3.9, P = .04), moderate anisokaryosis (OR = 13.1, P = .01) and in
creased nuclear volume of metaplastic cells (OR = 5.1, P = .007).
CONCLUSION: These observations may help cytologists to better categorize AS
CUS lesions Its intraepithelial ones and will also contribute to improving
the Bethesda definition of ASCUS. Further studies are planned to validate t
hese observations.