Type introduction is a useful technique for simplifying the task of proving
properties of rewrite systems by restricting the set of terms that have to
be considered to the well-typed terms according to any many-sorted type di
scipline which is compatible with the rewrite system under consideration. A
property of rewrite systems for which type introduction is correct is call
ed persistent. Zantema showed that termination is a persistent property of
noncollapsing rewrite systems and non-duplicating rewrite systems. We exten
d his result to the more complicated case of equational rewriting. As a sim
ple application we prove the undecidability of AC-termination for terminati
ng rewrite systems. We also present sufficient conditions for the persisten
ce of acyclicity and non-loopingness, two properties which guarantee the ab
sence of certain kinds of infinite rewrite sequences. In the final part of
the paper we show how our results on persistence give rise to new modularit
y results.