One way to reduce the phytoavailability of an excess of metals such as zinc
in soil is through the addition of amendments. The effectiveness of inorga
nic materials such as basic slags, magnetite, maghemite, hematite, birnessi
te, hydrous manganese oxide, steel shots, and beringite, was evaluated in a
pot experiment with a coarse sandy soil contaminated by sludge-borne zinc.
Zinc extractability and phytoavailability were investigated using single s
oil extraction by 0.1 M calcium nitrate and vegetation experiments with dwa
rf bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum). A phytot
oxicity test based on the activities of enzymes involved in the stress meta
bolism caused by toxic Zn concentrations in the primary leaves of dwarf bea
ns was also performed. Based on the addition rate, birnessite (10
soil, dry weight DW) resulted in the maximum decrease in extractable Zn fro
m the contaminated soil. Beringite gave similar results but at 50
soil DW. Birnessite and beringite treatments were the most effective to red
uce Zn assimilation by dwarf bean, and in consequence phytotoxicity. Subseq
uent harvests of ryegrass confirmed the beringite effect on Zn uptake 5 mon
ths following the soil treatment. For birnessite, Zn availability to ryegra
ss shoots increased however at the third harvest and reached the level of t
he untreated Zn-contaminated soil.