Human epithelial thyroid radiation-induced tumorigenesis is the most freque
nt radiation-induced tumorigenic process in man. Results of different studi
es, concerning the molecular mecanism(s) of epithelial thyroid radiation-as
sociated tumorigenesis show: 1) that there is not a significant difference
in the frequency of activation of ras, gsp and trk proto-oncogenes between
radiation-associated and << spontaneous >> thyroid tumors; 2) the relevant
role played by RET/PTC ret proto-oncogene activating rearrangements, in the
development of radiation-associated thyroid tumors originated after therap
eutic radiation (mainly PTC 1) or the atomic accident of Chernobyl (mainly
PTC 3) and 3) suggest that the patients who develop thyroid tumors after a
history of irradiation, show a genomic instability consisting in a DNA repa
ir defect.