Growth and development of all plant cells and organs relies on a fully func
tional cytoskeleton comprised principally of microtubules and microfilament
s. These two polymeric macromolecules, because of their location within the
cell, confer structure upon, and convey information to, the peripheral reg
ions of the cytoplasm where much of cellular growth is controlled and the f
ormation of cellular identity takes place. Other ancillary molecules, such
as motor proteins, are also important in assisting the cytoskeleton to part
icipate in this front-line work of cellular development.
Roots provide not only a ready source of cells for fundamental analyses of
the cytoskeleton, but the formative zone at their apices also provides a lo
cale whereby experimental studies can be made of how the cytoskeleton permi
ts cells to communicate between themselves and to cooperate with growth-reg
ulating information supplied from the apoplasm.