We outline the possible physical processes, associated timescales, and ener
getics that could lead to the production of pulsars, jets, asymmetric super
novae, and weak gamma-ray bursts in routine circumstances and to a 10(16) G
magnetar and perhaps stronger gamma-ray burst in more extreme circumstance
s in the collapse of the bare core of a massive star. The production of a L
eBlanc-Wilson MHD jet could provide an asymmetric supernova and result in a
weak gamma-ray burst when the jet accelerates down the stellar density gra
dient of a hydrogen-poor photosphere. The matter-dominated jet would be for
med promptly but requires 5-10 s to reach the surface of the progenitor of
a Type Ib/c supernova. During this time, the newly born neutron star could
contract, spin up, and wind up held lines or turn on an alpha-Omega dynamo.
In addition, the light cylinder will contract from a radius large compared
to the Alfven radius to a size comparable to that of the neutron star. Thi
s will disrupt the structure of any organized dipole field and promote the
generation of ultrarelativistic MHD waves (UMHDW) at high density and large
-amplitude electromagnetic waves (LAEMW) at low density. The generation of
these waves would be delayed by the cooling time of the neutron star simila
r or equal to 5-10 s, but the propagation time is short so the UMHDW could
arrive at the surface at about the same time as the matter jet. In the dens
ity gradient of the star and the matter jet, the intense flux of UMHDW and
LAEMW could drive shocks, generate pions by proton-proton collision, or cre
ate electron/positron pairs depending on the circumstances. The UMHDW and L
AEMW could influence the dynamics of the explosion and might also tend to f
low out the rotation axis to produce a collimated gamma-ray burst.