Sperm-egg interactions occur at multiple levels on the egg surface, first w
ith the egg's extracellular matrix and then with the egg's plasma membrane.
The BioPore minisymposium on "The Egg Surface" at the 1999 annual meeting
of the Society for the Study of Reproduction highlighted a series of events
underlying successful interactions of the sperm with the egg: 1) compositi
on, synthesis, and assembly of the mouse egg's extracellular matrix, the zo
na pellucida, during oogenesis; 2) oocyte maturation and development of the
sperm-binding domain of mouse eggs; and 3) characterization of functional
domains in different sperm ligands (fertilin-alpha and fertilin-beta in the
mouse and lysin in the abalone) that recognize cognate binding sites on th
e egg surface. Data that were presented are reviewed here and discussed wit
h respect to conserved and divergent features of gamete functions.