This exploratory survey aimed at determining the spatial and territorial fa
ctors used by elderly people when entering an old people's home and illustr
ating how these variables could be referred to two spatial and territorial
appropriation processes. One hundred and two residents were asked to descri
be their rooms and to fill in a life satisfaction rating scale adapted by B
lais, Vallerand, Pelletier and Briere (1989), The findings highlighted two
distinct appropriation processes, that is to say a spatial appropriation-di
sappropriation process and a territorial disappropriation-reappropriation o
ne. The respective predictors of these two processes are on the one hand th
e life satisfaction ratio, age and sex; and on the other hand the represent
ation the elderly person has of his/her own autonomy as well as the evaluat
ion of the gap between the elderly person's satisfaction with his/her past
and present life.