Object:Endoscopic III ventriculostomy (ETV) is an effective and a rather sa
fe treatment for noncommunicating hydrocephalus secondary to aqueductal ste
nosis and other obstructive pathologies. Though not devoid of risk, ETV is
increasingly replacing shunt operations: and it prevents related complicati
ons; including overdrainage. Methods: We report a rare case of a large chro
nic subdural hematoma (ChSDH) after ETV in a patient with aqueductal stenos
is. Three weeks after he was shunted elsewhere, he presented to us with cli
nical symptoms of intracranial hypotension and overdrainage. ETV was perfor
med and the shunt removed uneventfully. On routine postoperative MRI a few
weeks later, a large ChSDH was noted, the patient being totally asymptomati
c. Since the ChSDH grew significantly, causing a mass effect on the follow-
up MRI, it was finally drained. Large and increasing ChSDMs have previously
been reported secondary to overdrainage after shunt placement, but not aft
er ETV. Conclusions: We conclude that though rare, a ChSDH may evolve even
after ETV, if there is a substantial decrease in previously elevated intrac
ranial pressure.