To investigate the clinical features and surgical outcome of pediatric cere
brovascular disease (CVD), we retrospectively reviewed 280 children (up to
15 years of age) who underwent neurosurgical procedures for CVD between 197
9 and 1998. Open surgery (n=448), endovascular procedures (n=22), and stere
otactic radiosurgery (n=14) were the main neurosurgical procedures adopted.
Clinical features and surgical outcomes were described according to the et
iology of the CVD and the number of years of management. The mean duration
of follow-up was 34 months. The mean age was 7.1 years, and I he male-to-fe
male ratio was 1.2:1. The most frequent CVD was moyamoya disease (62%). The
surgical mortality related to CVD was 0.7%. Eighty-seven percent had Kamof
sky Performance Scale scores of more than 70. We demonstrate increasing det
ection rates and improving outcomes in recent years. The clinical course in
this study shows that recovery from CVD in children is good after neurosur
gical procedures.