This paper presents results and commentary on using a cascade neural n
etwork and a policy-iteration optimization routine to provide suggeste
d process setpoints for recovery from long-term machine drift in a LAM
4520 6-in dielectric etcher. Traditional plasma etch variables such a
s pressures, gas flows, temperatures, RF power, etc. are combined with
a generalized representation of the time dependent effects of mainten
ance events to predict film etch rates, uniformity, and selectivity. A
cascade neural-network model is developed using 15 months of data div
ided into train, test, and validation sets. The neural model both fits
the validation data well and captures the nonuniformity in the in-con
trol region of the machine. Two control algorithms use this model in a
predictive configuration to identify input state changes, including m
aintenance events, to bring an out-of-control situation back into cont
rol. The overall goal of the optimization is to reduce equipment downt
ime and decrease cost of ownership of the tool by speeding up response
time and extending the lifetime of consumable parts. The optimization
routines were tested on 11 out-of-control situations and successfully
suggested reasonable low-cost solutions to each for bringing the syst
em back into control.