The stocks of principal groundfish species off New England have collapsed,
creating economic hardship and dislocation in fishing communities from Rhod
e Island to Maine. In this article we analyze the causes of this collapse u
sing the "ratchet effect" described by Ludwig, Hilborn, and Walters (1993)
as a framework. According to Ludwig, Hilborn, and Walters, powerful economi
c and political interests drive fisheries to overcapitalize and overexploit
despite scientific evidence that stocks are declining. When the fishery is
no longer economically viable, governments provide financial assistance to
minimize economic hardship. When stocks increase there is another rush to
invest, and the cycle repeats itself. The history of groundfish management
in New England conforms well to this model. Optimism among fishers and gove
rnment over U.S. control of this fishery in 1977 stimulated successive roun
ds of investment that built up excessive fishing capacity despite warnings
from scientists that stocks were becoming weaker. Management regimes design
ed by the New England Fishery Management Council were ineffective in constr
aining fishing effort. Collapse of the stocks has led to severe restriction
s on fishing and to government assistance. We suggest that the integration
of science, management, and harvesting sectors through ecosystem-based mana
gement offers the best means of avoiding similar situations in the future.