Aims To describe changes in different factors at resuscitation and survival
in a 17-year survey of patients suffering from out-of-hospital cardiac arr
Method The investigation was carried out in the community of Goteborg with
450 000 inhabitants during 1981-1997 on all patients suffering out-of-hospi
tal cardiac arrest in whom resuscitation was attempted.
Results The number of cases per year, the proportion of witnessed arrests a
nd the proportion of arrests of cardiac aetiology remained similar over tim
e. There was an increase in median age from 68 to 73 years (P<0.0001), in t
he proportion of females from 27% to 33% (P = 0.035) and in the proportion
of patients receiving bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation from 14% to 2
8% (P < 0.0001) with time. There was a shortening of the median interval fr
om collapse until defibrillation from 9 min to 6 min (P<0.0001) over time b
ut a decrease in the occurrence of ventricular fibrillation as the initiall
y recorded arrhythmia from 39% to 32% (P=0.022). There was an increase in t
he proportion of patients having a bystander witnessed cardiac arrest of ca
rdiac aetiology being hospitalized alive from 32% to 45% (P<0.0001 for chan
ge over time). The proportion of patients discharged alive from hospital in
creased from 16% to 29% until 1993, but thereafter decreased to 13% in 1997
(P=0.002 for change over time).
Conclusion In a survey covering 17 years of resuscitation of out-of-hospita
l cardiac arrest patients we found that the occurrence of ventricular fibri
llation as the initially recorded arrhythmia decreased. There was an increa
se in age, in the proportion of females and in the use of bystander cardiop
ulmonary resuscitation. The interval between collapse and defibrillation wa
s shortened. Survival changed over time with an increase until 1993 but wit
h a decrease thereafter. (Eur Heart J 2000; 21: 1251-1258) (C) 2000 The Eur
opean Society of Cardiology.