Dosimetry studies in patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma were performed to
estimate the radiation absorbed dose to normal organs and bone marrow from
Y-90-Zevalin (yttrium-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan, IDEC-Y2B8) treatment in thi
s phase I/II, multicenter trial. The trial was designed to determine the do
se of Rituximab (chimeric anti-CD20, Rituxan, IDEC-C2B8, MabThera), the unl
abeled antibody given prior to the radioconjugate to clear peripheral blood
B cells and optimize distribution, and to determine the maximum tolerated
dose of Y-90-Zevalin [7.4, 11, or 15 MBq/kg (0.2, 0.3, or 0.4 mCi/kg)], Pat
ients received In-111-Zevalin (indium-111 ibritumomab tiuxetan, IDEC-In2B8)
on day 0 followed by a therapeutic dose of Y-90-Zevalin on day 7. Both dos
es were preceded by an infusion of the chimeric, unlabeled antibody Rituxim
ab. Following administration of 111In-Zevalin, serial anterior/posterior wh
ole body scans were acquired. Major-organ radioactivity versus time estimat
es were calculated using regions of interest. Residence times were computed
and entered into the MIRDOSE3 computer software program to calculate estim
ated radiation absorbed dose to each organ. Initial analyses of estimated r
adiation absorbed dose were completed at the clinical site. An additional,
centralized dosimetry analysis was performed subsequently to provide a cons
istent analysis of data collected from the seven clinical sites. In all pat
ients with dosimetry data (n=56), normal organ and red marrow radiation abs
orbed doses were estimated to be well under the protocol-defined upper limi
t of 20 Gy and 3 Gy, respectively. Median estimated radiation absorbed dose
was 3.4 Gy to liver (range 1.2-7.8 Gy), 2.6 Gy to lungs (range 0.723.4 Gy)
, and 0.38 Gy to kidneys (range 0.07-0.61 Gy). Median estimated tumor radia
tion absorbed dose was 17 Gy (range 5.8-67 Gy). No correlation was noted be
tween hematologic toxicity and the following variables: red marrow radiatio
n absorbed dose, blood T-1/2, blood AUC, plasma T-1/2, and plasma AUC. It i
s concluded that Y-90-Zevalin administered at nonmyeloablative maximum tole
rated doses results in acceptable radiation absorbed doses to normal organs
. The only toxicity of note is hematologic and is not correlated to red mar
row radiation absorbed dose estimates or T-1/2, reflecting that hematologic
toxicity is dependent on bone marrow reserve in this heavily pretreated po