1. We investigated photosynthesis-irradiance relationships (P-I curves; P =
oxygen production rate due to photosynthesis, I = light irradiance rate at
the water surface) and ecosystem respiration in a 9 km long reach of a riv
er that is characterised by light conditions favouring primary production,
high ambient nutrient concentrations, a high reaeration rate, and frequent
spates. We addressed the question of how disturbances (spates) and season i
nfluence photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration.
2. We used an oxygen mass-balance model of the river to identify ecosystem
respiration rates and the two parameters of a hyperbolic P-I function (P-ma
x = maximum oxygen production rate due to photosynthesis, alpha = the initi
al slope of the P-I function). The model was fitted to dissolved oxygen con
centrations quasi-continuously recorded at the end of the reach. We estimat
ed parameters for 137 three-day periods (during the years 1992-97) and subs
equently explored the potential influence of season and disturbances (spate
s) on P-max, alpha and ecosystem respiration using stepwise regression anal
3. Photosynthesis-irradiance relationships and ecosystem respiration were s
ubject to distinct seasonal variation. Only a minor portion of the variabil
ity of PI curves could be attributed to disturbance (spates), while ecosyst
em respiration did not correlate with disturbance related parameters. Regul
ar seasonal variation in photosynthesis and ecosystem respiration apparentl
y prevailed due to the absence of severe disturbances (a lack of significan
t bedload transport during high flow).