Action potential propagation simulations with physiologic membrane currents
and macroscopic tissue dimensions are computationally expensive. We, there
fore, analyzed distributed computing schemes to reduce execution time in wo
rkstation clusters by parallelizing solutions with message passing. Four sc
hemes were considered in two-dimensional monodomain simulations with the Be
eler-Reuter membrane equations. Parallel speedups measured with each scheme
were compared to theoretical speedups, recognizing the relationship betwee
n speedup and code portions that executed serially. A data decomposition sc
heme based on total ionic current provided the best performance. Analysis o
f communication latencies in that scheme led to a load-balancing algorithm
in which measured speedups at 89 +/- 2% and 75 +/- 8% of theoretical speedu
ps were achieved in homogeneous and heterogeneous clusters of workstations.
Speedups in this scheme with the Luo-Rudy dynamic membrane equations excee
ded 3.0 with eight distributed workstations. Cluster speedups were comparab
le to those measured during parallel execution on a shared memory machine.