An extensive comparison of the deep-submicrometer conventional and retrogra
de n-MOSFET's designed for either a low-power or a high-performance technol
ogy is made. We compare simulated curves of off-current versus channel leng
th (I-OFF-L) and on-current vs, channel length (I-ON-L), We include paramet
ric dependence upon the channel length L, and aspects of the doping profile
, namely surface doping N-S, bulk doping N-B, and depth of the lightly dope
d surface layer d, At a given L, the comparison of structures with the same
I-ON shows that all retrograde profiles exhibit much worse I-OFF On the ot
her hand, comparison of structures with the same I-OFF shows that all retro
grade profiles have lower I-ON Moreover, judging the short-channel advantag
es of a proposed device structure based upon the V-T-L roll-off curve witho
ut examination of the related I-OFF-L and I-ON-L curves could lead to a mis
taken technology assessment.