1. Thomson's critique: Despite the efforts of his followers to show that He
idegger had a progressive theory of technology, his work is clouded by nost
algia. His positive contribution is a fragmentary opening toward a phenomen
ology of daily technical practice, which I use to develop de Certeau's dist
inction between the strategic control of technical systems and their tactic
al usage by subordinates. Heidegger himself made no such application of his
own phenomenological approach. 2. Stump's critique: Can an ontological ess
entialism and a historically oriented constructivism be combined as Questio
ning Technology attempts to do? Stump claims they cannot, but assumes that
I accept far more ontolgoical and epistemological baggage from each positio
n than I do. In fact, what I retain from essentialism is primarily the anal
ysis of the basic technical relation to reality, and from constructivism, h
istorical and hermeneutic methods of analysis of the realization of that re
lation in actual systems and devices. These elements of the two theories ar
e compatible.