By the early 1980s, the class-centered politics of the socialist tradition
was in crisis. In this situation, leading commentators took apocalyptic ton
es. By the end of the 1980s, the Left remained deeply divided between the a
dvocates of change ("New Times" required new politics) and the defenders of
the faith (class politics could be practiced, mutatis mutandis, much as be
fore). By the mid-1990s the former had mainly carried the day. We wish to p
resent this contemporary transformation not as the "death of class," but as
the passing of one particular type of class society, one marked by the pro
cess of working-class formation between the 1880s and 1940s and the resulti
ng political alignment, reaching its apogee in the social democratic constr
uction of the postwar settlement. As long-term changes in the economy combi
ned with the attack on Keynesianism in the politics of recession from the m
id-1970s, the unity of the working class ceased to be available in the old
and well-tried way, as the natural ground of left-wing politics. While one
dominant working-class collectivity went into decline (the classic male pro
letarians of mining, transportation, and manufacturing industry, with their
associated forms of trade unionism and residential concentration), another
slowly and unevenly materialized to take its place (predominantly female w
hite-collar workers in services and all types of public employment). But th
e operative unity of this new working-class aggregation-its active agency a
s an organized political presence- is still very much in formation. To recl
aim the political efficacy of the socialist tradition, some new vision of c
ollective political agency will be needed, one imaginatively keyed to the e
merging conditions of capitalist production and accumulation at the start o
f the twenty-first century. Class needs to be reshaped, reassembled, put ba
ck together again in political ways. To use a Gramscian adage: The old has
been dying, but the new has yet to be born. Class decomposition is yet to b
e replaced by its opposite, the recomposition of class into a new and coher
ently shaped form.