Three trabeculectomy failures raises the delicate problem of refractory gla
ucoma with unresponsive ocular hypertony. The therapeutic strategy requires
first a careful assessment of the reasons for the previous failures (inter
nal or external obstacles to filtration which might have responded to preve
ntive treatment), then, depending on the patient's age, type of glaucoma, a
natomic status of the ocular structures and the visual potential of the eye
, a choice has to be made between different surgical techniques aimed at fa
voring aqueous humor evacuation (trabeculectomy associated with antimetabol
ites or drainage implant) or destruction of the ciliary body to reduce intr
aocular pressure by limiting the production of aqueous humor. Choosing betw
een these two possibilities is not an easy task as success rates are highly
variable on such eyes and complications are frequent, leading to lower Vis
ual acuity in 30 % of the cases. These salvage procedures recall that first
line trabeculectomy must be optimized in all cases.