Growing axons are guided by a variety of molecules which can either be diff
usible or bound to a substrate or a membrane. Diffusible factors have been
identified in several protein families, including the Netrins, Semaphorins,
Neurotrophins, and Slit proteins, whose members can act as growth cone rep
ellents or attractants, or, in some cases, both. Different classes of trans
membrane receptors for these molecules have also been recently characterize
d. An important emerging question is to understand what specifies the posit
ive or negative response of a growth cone to a given diffusible factor. Rec
ent studies have shown that transmembrane receptors, and more specifically
their cytoplasmic domains, dictate whether a growth cone sees a cue as attr
active or repulsive. In addition, studies of the cytoplasmic signal transdu
ction pathways mediating repulsion and attraction in a variety of neurons a
nd species indicate that the response of a growth cone depends on its activ
ation state, and that many guidance molecules converge to the same signalin
g pathways which can be modulated by cyclic nucleotides.