Background: Despite the use of currently available drug therapies, the life
expectancy of patients with metastasized breast cancer can still only be e
xtended by about 14 to 16 months in comparison to a completely untreated pa
tient population. In light of these figures, and the associated economic co
sts, all possible means to reduce the incidence of the disease are of great
potential importance and must be examined seriously.
Prevention: Increased consumption of alcohol is a risk factor for breast ca
ncer. Increased intake of phytoestrogens, dietary fiber, and beta-carotene
as well as regular physical activity and normal body weight lower the risk
of breast cancer, The increased risk of breast cancer associated with alcoh
ol consumption carl be reduced by adequate intake of folate. The significan
ce of retinoids is at present ambiguous.
Conclusion: Effective preventive measures, along with adequate early detect
ion schemes, are the best means of reducing mortality due to breast cancer.
Both folate and retinoids deserve to be subjected to further studies. It w
ould also be desirable to supplement currently ongoing adjuvant therapy tri
als with studies examining the use of folate versus placebo.