Compartmentalization of glutamate receptors with the signaling enzymes that
regulate their activity supports synaptic transmission. Two classes of bin
ding proteins organize these complexes: the MAGUK proteins that cluster glu
tamate receptors and AKAPs that anchor kinases and phosphatases. In this re
port, we demonstrate that glutamate receptors and PKA are recruited into a
macromolecular signaling complex through direct interaction between the MAG
UK proteins, PSD-95 and SAP97, and AKAP79/150. The SH3 and GK regions of th
e MAGUKs mediate binding to the AKAP. Cell-based studies indicate that phos
phorylation of AMPA receptors is enhanced by a SAP97-AKAP79 complex that di
rects PKA to GluR1 via a PDZ domain interaction. As AMPA receptor phosphory
lation is implicated in regulating synaptic plasticity, these data suggest
that a MAGUK-AKAP complex may be centrally involved.