We propose hers a stabilization strategy for the Lagrange multiplier formul
ation of Dirichlet problems. The stabilization is based on the use of equiv
alent scalar products for the spaces H-1/2(partial derivative Omega) and H-
1/2(partial derivative Omega), which are realized by means of wavelet funct
ions. The resulting stabilized bilinear form is coercive with respect to th
e natural norm associated to the problem. A uniformly coercive approximatio
n of the stabilized bilinear form is constructed for a wide class of approx
imation spaces, for which an optimal error estimate is provided. Finally, a
formulation is presented which is obtained by eliminating the multiplier b
y static condensation. This formulation is closely related to the Nitsche's
method for solving Dirichlet boundary value problems. Mathematics Subject
Classification (1991): 65N30.