Evidence is reviewed on work performance as a consequence of both psycholog
ical well-being and work stressors. There is evidence that some forms of ps
ychological wellbeing are related to subsequent in-role performance, althou
gh the evidence for a causal influence of work stressors on job performance
is much weaker. There is also evidence for relationships between some job
stressors or well-being and organizational citizenship behaviours. In gener
al, research conducted at the individual level, indicates only weak or prov
isional relationships. A small number of recent studies indicate stronger a
ssociations between average levels of well-being in an organization and org
anizational performance. It is concluded that more detailed and specific mo
dels of well-being and work performance need to be developed. These models
need to be tested using methods that can more easily detect subtle variatio
ns in well-being and work performance.