The Physicians' End-of-Life Care Attitude Scale (PEAS) was developed as an
outcome measure for palliative care education. PEAS assesses the willingnes
s of medical trainees to care for dying patients. Sixty-four Likert-type qu
estions were created on the basis of discussions with focus groups of medic
al trainees, then administered to sixty-two medical students and residents.
Total PEAS scores as well as personal preparation and professional role su
bscales (where higher scores indicated greater concern) possessed excellent
internal consistency and reliability. In addition, there were substantial
correlations between PEAS scores and the CA-Dying scale, a measure of laype
rsons' fears about interacting with dying persons. Thus, PEAS adequately as
sesses the unique communication concerns of physicians in training regardin
g working with dying persons and their families. Correlations between PEAS
scores and age were negative, while those who had experienced the death of
a loved one had higher PEAS scores than those who did not. This suggests th
at for some persons, life experiences may lessen difficulties in dealing wi
th dying persons, while for others, personal losses may exacerbate such con
cerns. The utility of PEAS in evaluating the efficacy of palliative care ed
ucation as well as its potential to measure medical trainee's willingness t
o care for the terminally ill is discussed.