We discuss the Overhauser effect (particle-hole pairing) versus the BCS eff
ect (particle-particle or hole-hole pairing) in QCD at large quark density.
In weak coupling and to leading logarithm accuracy, the pairing energies c
an be estimated exactly. For a small number of colors, the BCS effect overt
akes the Overhauser effect, while for a large number of colors the opposite
takes place, in agreement with a recent renormalization group argument. In
strong coupling with large pairing energies, the Overhauser effect may be
dominant for any number of colors, suggesting that QCD may crystallize into
an insulator at a few times nuclear matter density, a situation reminiscen
t of dense Skyrmions. The Overhauser effect is dominant in QCD in 1+1 dimen
sions, although susceptible to quantum effects. It is sensitive to temperat
ure in all dimensions.