We analyze in detail a specific 5-dimensional realization of a "brane-unive
rse" scenario where the visible and hidden sectors are localized on spatial
ly separated 3-branes coupled only by supergravity, with supersymmetry brea
king originating in the hidden sector. Although general power counting allo
ws order 1/M-Planck(2) contact terms between the two sectors in the 4-dimen
sional theory from exchange of supergravity Kaluza-Klein modes, we show tha
t they are not present by carefully matching to the 5-dimensional theory. W
e also find that the radius modulus corresponding to the size of the compac
tified dimension must be stabilized by additional dynamics in order to avoi
d runaway behavior after supersymmetry breaking and to understand the commu
nication of supersymmetry breaking. We stabilize the radius by adding two p
ure Yang-Mills sectors, one in the bulk and the other localized on a brane.
Gaugino condensation in the 5-dimensional effective theory generates a sup
erpotential that can naturally fix the radius at a sufficiently large value
that supersymmetry breaking is communicated dominantly by the recently dis
covered mechanism of anomaly mediation. The mass of the radius modulus is l
arge compared to m(3/2) The stabilization mechanism requires only parameter
s of order one at the fundamental scale, with no fine-tuning except for the
cosmological constant.