The conceptual bases of current research of intelligence and anxiety are pr
esented. In researching intelligence, it is necessary to pay greater attent
ion not only to mechanics and pragmatics but to reflexics of intelligence a
s well. Of all the research concepts of anxiety, attention is paid mainly t
o models of state and trait anxiety, to the interaction model and to the th
e test anxiety model. So far, mainly the negative effect of state anxiety o
n cognitive performance has been proven. Test anxiety usually lowers academ
ic performance, mainly by increased sell-observance which results in lack o
f self-confidence, fear of failure and evaluation, decreased concentration
of attention and decreased resistance to stress. It seems necessary to pay
more attention to alternating manipulation with dependent and independent v
ariables, but mainly to the shift from predominantly forced psychometric in
telligence to a more detailed study of intelligent behavior in real life co