Based on the analysis of relevant studies concerning well-being in old age,
three innovations were proposed that seem to be beneficial for future rese
arch in this field: 1) In addition to two frequently studied personality fa
ctors of mental well-being in old-age (extraversion and neuroticism), it wa
s proposed to take into account the value-related priorities, and the conte
nt of subjective ly significant goals of old people. Special emphasis is la
id on the necessity to check the postulated influence of belief in a just w
orld (Dalbert, 1998). 2) In accordance with the findings of L.L. Carstensen
(1995) and M.P. Lawton (1996) concerning the significant influence of an i
mproved ability of old people upon their capacity to manage their emotions,
which results in their improved experiencing of life, it was proposed to e
xamine the coping strategies usedin old age, and the coping styles characte
ristic of old age. 3) The third innovation proposed is related to the fact
that the cross-sectional research projects cannot identify all factors; the
y can only identify cohort correlates of well-being. Since the longitudinal
research method is - for various reasons (economic point of view, length o
f research) - applicable to a limited extent only. it was proposed - in acc
ordance with W. Fleson and P.B. Baltes (1998) - to use both actual and retr
ospective formats of the tools selected. Special attention is paid to diagn
osing the well-being factor. The paper presents points of departure for des
igning the original diagnostic tool.