We have previously demonstrated that, in preparing themselves to aim v
oluntary impulses of isometric elbow force to unpredictable targets, s
ubjects selected default values for amplitude and direction according
the range of targets that they expected. Once a specific target appear
ed, subjects specified amplitude and direction through parallel proces
ses. Amplitude was specified continuously from an average or central d
efault; direction was specified stochastically from one of the target
directions. Using the same timed response paradigm, we now report thre
e experiments to examine how the time available for processing target
information influences trajectory characteristics in two-degree-of-fre
edom forces and multijoint movements. We first sought to determine whe
ther the specification of force direction could also take the form of
a discrete stochastic process in pulses of wrist muscle force, where d
irection can vary continuously. With four equiprobable targets (two fo
rce amplitudes in each of two directions separated by 22 degrees or 90
degrees), amplitude was specified from a central default value for bo
th narrow and wide target separations as a continuous variable. Direct
ion, however, remained specified as a discrete variable for wide targe
t separations. For narrow target separatons, the directional distribut
ion of default responses suggested the presence of both discrete and c
entral values. We next examined point-to-point movements in a multijoi
nt planar hand movement task with targets at two distances and two dir
ections but at five directional separations (from 30 degrees to 150 de
grees separation). We found that extent was again specified continuous
ly from a central default. Direction was specified discretely from alt
ernative default directions when target separation was wide and contin
uously from a central default when separation was narrow. The specific
ation of both extent and direction evolved over a 200-ms time period b
eginning about 100 ms after target presentation, As in elbow force pul
ses, extent was specified progressively in both correct and wrong dire
ction responses through a progressive improvement in the scaling of ac
celeration and velocity peaks to the target. On the other hand, moveme
nt time and hand path straightness did not change significantly in the
course of specification. Thus, the specification of movement time and
linearity, global features of the trajectories, are given priority ov
er the specific values of extent and direction. In a third experiment,
we varied the distances between unidirectional target pairs and found
that movement extent is specified discretely, like direction, when th
e disparity in distances is large. The implications of these findings
for contextual effects on trajectory planning are discussed. The indep
endence of extent and direction specification and the prior setting of
response duration and straightness provide critical support for the h
ypothesis that point-to-point movements are planned vectorially.