This article introduces non-linear dynamics to assess the interactions in d
uopoly competition between two rivals. The generic competition is considere
d here to be the competition for quality between two consumer durable produ
cts. The authors have used a system dynamics approach to develop the model
of interactions and simulate the behaviour over time. The outcomes of sever
al hundred simulations have shown that the recognition and implementation l
ags in quality improvement strongly influence the qualitative behaviour of
the system. When the speed of adaptation to customer demand reaches a certa
in value, a Hopf bifurcation occurs and the system converges into a limit c
ycle. Quasi-periodicity and chaos emerge when further increasing the speed
of the response. Instead of tending to equilibrium around an optimal qualit
y value the model exhibits complex counter-intuitive behaviours. Copyright
(C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.