An ocean data assimilation system developed for climate monitoring at
the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) is described. The system consist
s of an ocean general circulation model (OGCM) and a subsurface temper
ature analysis scheme using optimal interpolation. The analyzed temper
atures are continuously assimilated into the wind-driven OGCM. The atm
ospheric forcing is obtained from the operational numerical weather pr
ediction system. The dynamical ocean model helps synthesize informatio
n in the forcing and data, neither of which is complete for analyzing
subsurface structures. The temporary and spatially continuous estimate
s given by the system aid the operational long-range forecasters to mo
nitor climatically important phenomena such as EI Nino-Southern Oscill
ation more closely on intraseasonal to interannual time scales. The in
troduction of temperature data significantly improves the quality of t
he wind-forced simulation of subsurface thermal fields. However, the m
odel's inability to reproduce the Equatorial Undercurrent with suffici
ent strength appears to limit the impact of data on the current field.
Improvements in the model and in the data assimilation scheme and int
roduction of other types of observational data are required for furthe
r development of the system.