The long term effects of the conditions for a biofilm reactor are governed
by slow microbial processes, such as the growth and decay of the bacteria.
Simulations of a trickling filter model based on a multi species dynamic bi
ofilm model and data from an experiment, where an NTF had been alternatingl
y fed unnitrified and completely nitrified wastewater, agree fairly well. T
wo different operating strategies of NTFs are studied by simulation: period
ically inversing the order of two NTFs in series and varying the flow th ro
ugh NTFs operating in parallel. The simulations indicate that both strategi
es have a potential of increasing the nitrifying capacity of filters operat
ing at low ammonium load, provided the influent concentrations of organic m
atter are low. However, to what extent the capacity is increased depends on
the specific death rate of the nitrifiers, which needs to be further studi